Delivery Policy

  1. Delivery Location
  2. Items offered on our website are only available for delivery to addresses in Lebanon and Italy.
  3. Delivery Time
    Unless there are exceptional circumstances, we make every effort to fulfill your order within 3business days of the date of your order. Business day mean Monday to Friday, except holidays.
  4. Shipment and delivery is held by third-party agencies that guaranty the receipt of the product in the same way it was shipped out of stock.
    Please note we do not ship on Sundays.
  5. Shipping Costs
    Once you buy from ETS Ado we make sure that your products are delivered and received free of charge.
  6. Damaged Items in Transport
    If there is any damage to the packaging on delivery, contact us immediately on whatsapp at +9613247747.
  7. Questions
    If you have any questions about the delivery and shipment or your order, please contact us at on whatsapp at +9613247747.